
Dry cleaning in Tulsa | 3 Hours Back

listen to yesterday. I once wake or twice a week for once a month or even if the other, even other date thing and how much you have yes I am talking about laundry about the death because we smoke clears what they do for you to so we can do here at the ranch better than you can for very cheap price and not only that but I we do offer delivery and pick up and delivery option so that the waste time or waste gas to pick to bring it to us. Like most strikers do.

But now we can get a free write today so I don’t any longer. Dry cleaning in Tulsa This is an opportunity not one misses opportunity that change your life and I do free of so much time to time to make this your movie or you can’t have dinner that type of stuff if you’re from one moms out there have to just do clothing anymore. You your single mom doesn’t mean you have to be logical the time you could start a business or something or are damp stuff for craft you wanted to you have three hours of free time now with your family with with your moving all these everything. So think about that.

Three hours is an amazing time to go ahead and set that up and I will get the start for you right now how we can do this how to get those three hours is he could website@lamodecleaners.com or you can call Cindy at 918-622-5255 we can set that up for you and we actually offer a one dollar free service for your first bag is $1.03 first bag so I first one is on us and us on the clothing for us and I working in the city ready for you and actually finish.

that out and we pick it up and deliver it for you all you do is go to websiteDry cleaning in Tulsa cleaner when a new contact page and coordinate contact page actually type in your name your email and phone number and then I just tell us a little bit about at the close that you bring everything like that or any a anything you need add to tell us in the conversation or any question chapter the conversation we contact you shortly through after use, and that in through clear website lamodecleaners.com but we can be able to get that settle for you so get that settle for you today. I have this great opportunity again for only one dollar if he figured out like freight, if not always call sets at a 918-622-5255 and we can do it that way with your name your email and phone number and any other additional info.

We know how may be addressed that type stuff times we can pick up and deliver these close for you separately that for you one dollar wonders can be great so I can set that up and again our website is lamodecleaners.com or you can call time at 918-622-5255 for any questions or just if you want to talk to somebody again our services. We do dry-cleaning. We do sure laundry.Dry cleaning in Tulsa We do laundry. I would you leather we dissuade you Poppy. We do and greater household items like bedsheets that type stuff. So think about Anna Lee will be seeing you soon but I we are what is the best dry-cleaning service and in Tulsa