

Q: The number one question has got to be: What is Dry Cleaning? Do my clothes get wet? How does it work?

A: The very best explanation I’ve ever seen can be found on the How Stuff Works web site. Simply click here: www.howstuffworks.com/dry-cleaning for the real lowdown.

Q: What should I do when I spill something on my Dry Clean Only garment?

A: The very best thing you can do is NOTHING! While a small amount of cool water “dabbed” on the spill may not hurt, depending on the type of fabric, it may create a color-loss situation. The best thing you can do is to bring it to us as soon as it’s convenient. Don’t let it sit for days or weeks before bringing it in. Also, be sure to tell us what it was that caused the stain. It’s much easier for us to successfully treat the stain if we know what it is.

Q: What hours are you open?

A: Most of our stores are open 7 AM to 7 PM Monday through Friday and on Saturdays from 9 AM to 1 PM. Check our “Locations” link for a full list of store locations and hours.

Q: How much do you charge?

A: We’re very competitive with all of the other full service cleaners in town, but your monthly cleaning bill will depend on your lifestyle. If you were to shop the market you will not find much disparity in pricing in the Tulsa area. That’s because most dry cleaners incur similar costs, that is, if they are playing by the rules. Proper dry cleaning involves expensive equipment, stringent environmental controls and lots of hand labor. If you encounter unusually low prices, you can be assured that corners are being cut.

Our average customer’s bill to maintain a basic business wardrobe is about $60.00 per month. This will vary of course depending on profession and clothing tastes, but in general women will tend to spend more on dry cleaning than men. Women’s apparel is frequently more elegant, of richer material and more elaborately designed, and so requires greater care and is less likely to be cleaned at home.

Q: What services do you provide?

A: At LaMode Quality Cleaners, we are a full service dry cleaner. For a complete list of services and descriptions, click on our Services link.